Children’s Chapel Resumes at PDS
Our young disciples enrolled in the Presbyterian Day School returned to their classes on Wednesday morning, January 8, 2020. Children’s Chapel is held every week at 8:45 a.m., alternating from week to week between Monday and Tuesday. This year, Children’s Chapel resumed on Monday, January 13th.
At Children’s Chapel a different class each week shows the rest of the students the projects and crafts they have done to emphasize the monthly Bible verse that the students are studying. The goal is to recite the verse and the book of the Bible in which it appears, together with expressing the verse in American sign-language as well as verbally. In January, the verse is “Serve one another in love” (Galatians 5:13).
After the projects are displayed and discussed, the children stand and sing– once again expressing themselves in sign-language as well as with words. The songs are joyful, energetic, and require lots of movement. The children are a joy to behold.
Finally, Pastor Jim speaks for a few minutes. This month we are thinking about where God lives. “What is the House of the Lord?,” we are asking ourselves, and so this week we walked around in the Chancel to see the altar, the candles, and the choir lofts in order to understand what you can find in a church. Soon, however, we will consider the fact that the House of the Lord can be anywhere that God is present, even in each of our hearts.
It is a joy and privilege for Pastor Jim to spend a few minutes each week with the precious children and dedicated teachers in our Presbyterian Day School. Please pray that the children in our care may learn how dearly they are loved by God and by those whom God sends to care for them.