To gather in authentic worship, to go forth to serve in humility, to witness by word and deed the Good News of God’s love for us as revealed in Jesus Christ, to respect all of God’s children and to protect all of God’s creation, to pray and work faithfully for the justice of God’s coming kingdom on earth, and to love our neighbors as God loves us.
Vision for Victoria
While we as a congregation are fallible and consistently fall short of the glory of God, we believe our strength and our inspiration lie in our maturity and our collective life-experiences. Where some may see an older congregation, we see a congregation that has raised families, built careers, and experienced life from many different perspectives. As parents love their children, as grandparents leave legacies for their grandchildren, we want to provide nurture, care, and hospitality to the Victoria community so that we may share the many ways that Christ’s teachings, love, and sacrifice have sustained us in our own journeys through life. We are aware of our culture’s increasing disinterest in ‘organized religion,’ but we offer insight into what all humanity seeks: spirituality; strength for the living of our days; assurance of pardon; and the promise that in life and in death we are not alone. To the extent God gives us the ability, we seek to be open, welcoming, tolerant, and kind. Our invitation is to come worship and serve with us to see if you do not sense the love of God in the midst of a congregation who welcomes others of all ages and backgrounds to come hear, learn, and practice the teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Presbyterian Beliefs and Doctrine

Please refer to these Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) resources for further information
regarding the “Reformed Tradition” of our Protestant denomination: