Men’s Valentine’s Day Bake Sale And Fellowship Luncheon! February 9, 2020, 11:30 Am (After Worship Service) In Fellowship Hall

Unless someone has an industrial kitchen (like the one shown above), we are not expecting confectionery perfection (like the one shown above).
But we are asking all the men in the congregation to break out their aprons (or borrow one, if you need to) and bake the cake of a lifetime for the love of your life (mothers, wives, daughters, granddaughters, nieces–everyone qualifies for this designation).
After worship service on Sunday, February 9, 2020, we will have a pot-luck luncheon in Fellowship Hall, following which we will auction off whatever the men have baked (cookies, cakes, pies, you name it!).
All proceeds will go into our Buildings & Grounds Budget for further enhancements to our property.
Toques will be available in the coming weeks for our chefs to decorate and to enhance the value of the baked goods they will be auctioning off to our generous congregation. We hope everyone can join us and bring a pot-luck dish to spread the fellowship. Let’s have some fun!!