Presbyterian Day School
2019 Christmas Program

On Thursday evening, December 12, 2019,First Presbyterian Church was full of young disciples from the Presbyterian Day School who, dressed in their finest Christmas pajamas, waived snowflakes, wore happy hats, sang joyous Christmas songs, and faithfully re-enacted the Nativity Scene.
Proud parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, family friends, teachers, and members of First Presbyterian Church filled our beautifully restored Sanctuary and captured the Christmas Spirit in their hearts as God’s precious children reminded us all that soon we will celebrate the birth of Christ, the newborn king.
Special thanks to Melissa Samudio, Jennifer Short, and all the PDS faculty for their hard work in preparing the PDS students for such an entertaining evening and for their hospitality of milk and Christmas cookies in Fellowship Hall following the program.
To all our PDS students and their families and friends, First Presbyterian Church wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!